Become a subscriber to Buena Vida Magazine
You already know that when you sign up for a magazine subscription you’ll save on the cover price and get your issue delivered straight to your door. Here at BuenaVida Magazine we intend to spoil you with a bit more.
Become a subscriber to BuenaVida Magazine and get one year (4 issues) for $11.96.
In addition to bringing you the best in magazine publishing, we’re making a subscription to BuenaVida Magazine more like a membership that comes with subscriber-only benefits like access to the entire magazine online, priority access to events, and other opportunities to connect with the creative people we write about.
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Your subscription will start with the next issue mailed. So you never miss an issue, your BuenaVida Magazine subscription will be automatically renewed each year. This way we won’t send you a ton of renewal notices in the mail. Instead, a minimum of 45 days before your subscription is set to renew, you’ll receive a notification email from us. That email will give you your price for another year’s subscription and all the information you need to opt out of the automatic renewal program should you want to. If you don’t opt out and your credit/debit card cannot be charged, we'll bill you directly instead.